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What are Porter's 5 forces?

Porter's Five Forces include: Competitive Rivalry, Supplier Power, Buyer Power, Threat of Substitution, and Threat of New Entry. The model encourages organizations to look beyond direct competitors when assessing strategy and, instead, consider broader environmental forces.

How do Porter's 5 forces affect buyer bargaining power?

When conducting Porter’s 5 forces buyer power industry analysis, low buyer bargaining power makes an industry more attractive and increases profit potential for the seller, while high buyer bargaining power makes an industry less attractive and decreases profit potential for the seller.

How does Porter's five forces influence the electronics industry?

The electronics industry provides a compelling example of buyer power within Porter’s Five Forces framework. Consumers can access various electronic products, from smartphones and laptops to smartwatches and home entertainment systems. Price comparisons are easily accessible online, so finding the best deals and discounts is easy.

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